How to make a responsive website on WordPress

Back in the early stages of the internet, websites weren’t optimized for mobile devices. Even today, many websites still haven’t adopted a responsive approach - causing their website visitors to strain their eyes when viewing the site on anything that isn’t desktop.

At Azuro Digital, our responsive web design services prioritize the user experience on all devices, screen sizes and browsers.

Here’s how we do it:

1. Use a website builder like Elementor

Your choice of technology has a massive impact on whether or not you’ll be able to make your website fully responsive. Some technologies don’t have responsive features that are easy to use, which can cause some developers to throw in the towel and be lazy about it. In other cases, some technologies actually make it impossible altogether.

We recommend using a website builder like Elementor, which comes with all of the responsive features that you need in order to make your website 100% responsive.

Here are some of the highlights of what you can achieve with Elementor:

1. Design a responsive menu
2. Leverage dynamic spacing and sizing for all sections and widgets
3. Use global styling to make everything consistently responsive
4. Hide and show elements on different devices
5. Reverse the column order for different devices
6. Implement custom breakpoints for various screen sizes
7. Use REM spacing

For a more comprehensive overview of Elementor’s responsive features, check out their helpful video.

2. Use REM spacing

In the list above, we mentioned that Elementor offers REM spacing. Not all website builders have this as an option, but it’s critical to achieve a perfectly responsive design.

Elementor offers multiple different spacing options, and surprisingly, most designers/developers use “pixels” for spacing in Elementor. This is because it’s the default option and most people don’t realize that REM is much better.

REM stands for “root element measurement” and it’s a relative unit of measurement. On the other hand, a pixel is an absolute unit of measurement. This means that REM spacing adapts based on the spacing of other elements, making it the more responsive option.

So… don’t forget to use REM instead of pixels when you’re using Elementor!

3. Test the responsiveness of the site with various tools

Elementor has a native function to view the site on all sorts of devices and screen sizes. Start with that.

However, it’s important to test the website with other tools as well, because different tools have a tendency to show slightly different results. Your site might look perfectly responsive in one tool, but it might look incorrect in another (or on someone’s real physical device).

In addition to Elementor’s native tool, we recommend checking the site with Chrome’s “inspect” function, this free responsive testing tool, and all of the different physical devices that you and your team possess (nothing’s more reliable than checking an actual device).

Next, be sure to check your website on all major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox & Microsoft Edge. In some cases, certain elements on your site might look wrong on certain browsers, so it’s important to check and fix if needed.

Bonus tip: before launch, get as many other people as possible to test the website (on their real devices). Doing this might reveal some issues that you would have never discovered on your own.

4. Be meticulous

Many web designers focus too much on the big and flashy design concepts, without paying enough attention to the “smaller” things like responsiveness, consistent spacing, proper color contrast, etc.

These “smaller” tasks that feel less important to some designers are actually more important in reality. No matter how many cool design elements you add to the site, it’ll always be sloppy and will provide a poor user experience if the site isn’t fully responsive or if it has inconsistent spacing/sizing, insufficient color contrast, etc.

If you pay attention to the little things, it’ll actually benefit your conversion rate more than having the fancy bells-and-whistles.